Well This Doesn’t Suck.
We’ve been lifeguards, sandwich artists, account managers, rockstars, dockhands and folded lots of t-shirts in our day. We’ve gone corporate, non-profit, and back to corporate. And then we came to this quirky little digital marketing agency known as Blue Ion.
Being one of the newbies, I’ve come across some weird/peculiar/awesome things since I started here…the kinds of things that make my Papa (age 77) think I don’t actually work and my friends fairly jealous.
- The sun can get in your eyes while sitting at your (indoor) desk.
- There’s only one stapler. ONE.
- Your boss will take your trash out for you. Yes, your boss. With your trash. (Only once every 12 weeks but, whatever, it still happens.)
- The biggest arguments start when a song is played twice in one day.
- Friday’s music selections are a battle between Rap music and Yacht Rock with a side of Vanilla Ice.
- Common interests are: drug smuggling documentaries, zombies, International soccer, and coffee. Technically coffee first, then everything else.
- Nothing is taken as seriously as ping pong challenges.
- That first game of ping pong that you won (take that GREG!).
- Beating the new guy at ping pong.
- Realizing that beating the new guy at ping pong makes you pretty much a pro .
- Wash cloths in lieu of paper towels (Go Earth!)
- Watching Apple fans line up for new gear. And I should probably add planning (but not doing) aerial water balloon drops.
- Mural installations – it’s like a freaking live art exhibit!
- No copy machine
- No secretary/assistant/office manager/doorman – we share these responsibilities.
- So many sketches. During meetings, before meetings, after meetings, when you don’t have any meetings…
- There is art EVERYWHERE in our office. Like, the real stuff AND it’s all different types/genres. (See the crazy bear painting above)
- The soon-to-be-implemented Friday Cookouts with our handy-dandy new grill.
- Headphones are the closest thing you will have to closing your “office door”.
- And last but not least, cool ass clients – I’ve talked to clients who rescue dogs, work Bonnaroo/Lollapalooza/SXSW, travel the world, speak more languages than I can count on one hand, run international companies, brew awesome beer, ride their bikes to work, and the list goes on.
Somedays this job is really glamorous and some days you are researching keywords for menopause. But hey, these things make it a helluva lot sweeter.