Refresh Columbia Recap
Last week Woody and I had a great time sharing thoughts and process with the Refresh Columbia crowd. The event was top notch…held in the wickedly cool SOCO space (congrats guys), good beer and food, a 100+ crowd, and a sharp other presentation by Jim Rubenstein from LoudDoor (one smart dude). Thanks to all involved, and we look forward to getting the Cola and CHS crowd together more often.
Pics from the event are posted here. I thought the following shots best captured our prez style:
1. Immediately engage the audience with a strong jungle cat snarl and claw.
2. Move quickly into the “meat” of the presentation to share your groundbreakingly deep knowledge.
3. Stay beer-hydrated at all times. Speaking is taxing work.
4. ABC…always be closing. In this case I’m going with double barreled business cards and the hypnotic psycho-stare.
Thanks to all in Cola for putting up with us!