
Blue Ion Blurbs – February Edition

February was a short month, but somehow no less fruitful for our overhead at Blue Ion post. Check out what some of our team members had to say last month.

*Quotations are kept anonymous to protect the identity of those at the office and encourage utterances likes these to continue. Feel free to make guesses as to who said what in the comments.

“Don’t eat the dishwasher pods. I know they look delicious…But you’ll definitely have indigestion.”

“I do like the colors you chose. I just want different colors.”

I feel I have been personally wronged by this company by having to look at their logo.”

“On my way to my new years resolution of 400 lbs.”
“You don’t look any fatter.”
***400 lbs was a squat goal weight. Not body weight.***

“Show me a man with a clean computer monitor and I’ll show you a man that doesn’t work.”

“I was relayed your comments on behalf of Nic who isn’t with us… He didn’t die–he’s just not here today.”