When we first met FAB founder Randi Weinstein, she shared her vision to create an event for women in hospitality – a place where women could come together to learn about the business of hospitality, to talk about the great things – and the hard things – about being a woman in the industry, to network with women they might otherwise not have the opportunity to connect with, to share stories, and ultimately empower one another to be ever more awesome, and to use one of Randi’s favorite words: “badass.”
We dove in to help Randi make her incredible vision real – from helping name the workshop, creating the brand identity, and crafting a story to developing the website, publicizing it across all media, and designing everything from lanyards, programs, and t-shirts to signage, banners, and temporary tattoos.
Since its inception in 2017, FAB has held Pop-Ups in Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Atlanta, and Raleigh, awarded nearly 200 scholarships, and hosted three (and counting) two-day workshops in Charleston that bring together hundreds of women from all walks of life with some of the most renowned women in hospitality.
And while we’ve had the pleasure of reimagining the design of FAB every year since its founding, we’re proudest that its spirit remains unchanged. In the simple act of bringing women together to inspire, support, educate, empower, and activate one another in an industry designed around serving others is in and of itself a triumph, a nurturing and revolutionary act, which, in turn, inspires others.
In A Nutshell: