
It Runs Through A River


Looking forward to a different sort of race this weekend…the Springmaid Splash up in the mountains near Asheville, NC. There’s nothing like running through the woods, and in this case you get to run through a knee/thigh deep river four times.

I just received an email from the race director…with description of the route. Pretty funny…

Tip of the Day: Don’t wear new shoes.
Course: 10K
BE SAFE. Walk when you need to…and you will.
First 1.2 is flat.
0.5-water crossing below knees in normal weather (very rocky on far side)
(Make sure laces and $30 CHIP are secure or your shoes may float down the Toe River)
0.7- water crossing (be careful knee deep as you enter,with rocks, becoming more shallow)
1.1- flat ends–old road turns uphill–long gradual climb
1.4–water station, trail turns left, narrow and technical
1.5—1.8 several tight switchbacks, narrow trail WATCH for 5K and 10K Trail Split
1.9–can be slippery in wet weather, BE CAREFUL onto gravel road
2.0 stay on road until pond/director points you into woods, technical uphill (WATER)
2.2 flat/downhill, winding, logging road, horse trail, watch ruts/rocks/mud? going downhill briefly
2.5 uphill
2.6 flat
2.7–3.0 tough hills and switchbacks (narrow, please don’t block the people behind you)
3.1 Hello we did it!
3.1 Down hill, technical, woohooooooooo!!!!!!!Flat and downhill, nice cruise
4.2 slight uphill
4.3 DESCENT—may be slippery, CAREFUL
4.4 DownhillPasture/Road WATER
4.6 Overlook house–view MT Mitchell to left.
4.7 Downhill through field, return to old road
5.2ish back through river
5.5 ish back through river (WATER station)
6.2 WELCOME HOME Finish beside pond.
Friendly Crowd awaits!!!! (Feel free to stand in the pond. Cool water in pond will help those legs.)