
Robots Weekly ?: When AI Names Your Neighborhood ?️

Our client Lennar is kind of a big deal (they are the largest home builder in the country and were named 2018’s Builder of the Year), they also like tech and want to push the envelope on how the real estate industry works. So they seemed like a natural fit for one of my AI experiments.

When you’re as big as Lennar is you have a lot of communities and you add to the total all the time, so you need community names. You know what does a great job generating names? RNNs. That stands for Recurrent Neural Network. I’ll cover the specifics another time, for now you just need to know that you feed in a bunch of text, the model “learns” how to assemble letters, and it spits out some new ideas.

I collected all 1,131 “unique” community names from the Lennar site and fed them into an RNN in the cloud. You can play around with it here. I got back a nice mix of nonsense, funny goofs, and some legit possibilities. Note: no Lennar communities have been named this way…yet.

Let’s get to the fun stuff!

Not sure if these are names for communities or characters in a sci-fi or fantasy story, or maybe a cosmic western:

Stella Hig
Ranchaw Cre
Sundance Norba
Skye Catterleag

There were some good almost-but-not-quite names. A lot of them suffer from weird spelling or pronunciation:

Hampidson Preserve Turch on Hollow
Phiumer Glen Mora at Cobc
Chesworthpowy Landing Engleage
Whal Country Club The Oridge Place
Libering at Phillips Creek Ranch Bent Mill at
Staritzow Crossing Irongena Ridge


Finally, the model generated some totally legit sounding names. Could one or more of these be coming soon?

Woodland Creek Ring Primrose Station
Sterlings Triana Creek
Chatsic Square Liberty Springs
The Gate Vistas Mira at Palisades
The Prados Place Edgeen Landing
Piany Ridge Mira Vista at Pristion Park
Carnest Glen Acherstone Hills
Mado Tree Whitpers Ranch
Whidol Ranch Brumers Ranch Villas


But wait, there’s more!

Then there’s the place you probably don’t want to live:

RNN generated text name

And finally, this one might be my favorite:

RNN generated text name

Have you seen any neighborhoods with one of these names?

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