The Parliament Story in Slides
Last Thursday I made the trip up to New Carolina’s 7th Anniversary Event with Steve Warner and Lee Deas to share the story of Parliament and the overall momentum behind Charleston’s creative industries. In the crowd were business leaders and economic development professionals from around the state, as well as the guru of corporate/community competitiveness, Michael Porter.
It was a cool trip and here are the highlight slides from the Parliament prez.
Realizing that the slides alone are of little help I’ve included an abbreviated summary right below (I’ll do a longer post on the Parliament blog later). Shout outs are in order to all the people who have a hand in this effort and presentation…..Steve and Lee, the full Parliament team, the Pecha Kucha crew and volunteers, Fuzzco and Stitch for some great graphics, a long list of designers for all the awesome PKN posters, many sponsors, the CRDA and New Carolina for their ongoing support, and each and every creative professional in Charleston making things happen.
1. hello there.
2. special thanks to New Carolina and CRDA…without them this effort would not happen.
3. overused herding cats analogy…actually used by the presenter right before me.
4. launch Pecha Kucha Night, 10 awesome PKN/posters.
5. PKN #10…projected on the Aquarium parking garage.
6. Parliament “officially” forms.
7. we need numbers to prove that creative is an economic force, not just a lifestyle benefit.
8. 27,315 creative professionals in the Chas region.
9. they come from 3 orange blobs.
10. they pack an economic impact.
11. they are the 4th or 5th largest piece of pie.
12. they are broken down into 7 sub groups.
13. they pay lots of wages.
14. at a higher than average hourly rate of $18.35.
15. we’re looking to raise the profile through WCC materials…working class creative.
16. received some good media coverage to date.
17. next focus is launching a creative conference in Charleston.
18 – 22. a virtuous cycle of creativity.
23. allows us to follow our dreams.