
Refresh CHS – July 15th

Here’s the scoop from Karl on the upcoming Refresh event on July 15th. We’ll gather at the Blue Ion stage from 6:00 – 7:30 pm, enjoy bevs and light food, and get inspired by two great presentations.


First up will be Kaitlyn Costello and Sophie Nemethy..otherwise knows as The Color Chemists. These artists see any blank wall as a wasted canvas, and fortunately for us their work can be enjoyed at a number of spots in and around CHS.

061893_e7a4cc1c8febfdb4cd7a69c23f3e99b0.png_srz_p_244_319_75_22_0.50_1.20_0 Following the Chemists will be filmmaker Jenny Kleiman with her presentation The Bee Sting and the Storyteller – where she’ll share her thoughts on navigating the full-time, freelance creative dilemma.

So, hop over to the Refresh site and register yourself to join the party.