
Real Estate Marketing Rundown

Since we have a decent amount of clients in the real estate industry, we’re always keeping tabs on the latest trends, marketing ideas, and competitive landscape. For all of our real estate pros out there, here’s a  brief rundown of some of the more interesting happenings in the last couple of weeks.

1. Zillow launches a new ad network in conjunction with their newspaper partners, drawing yawns from some quarters. Who doesn’t have an ad network these days?

2. Curbed, the NY/SanFran/LA real estate and eatery blog, launched a listings feature recently. $99 gets you in front of their 300,000 readers. The nice thing is how prominent their listings are – almost like an advertorial within the posts.

3. Realtybaron.com launches a “hedging” service for real estate agents. You can still get paid for work that does not result in a sales commission.

4. “Why agents will one day rule the real estate world.” This one is a little older (from last month), but I think it might bring a tear to any real estate agent’s eyes.

5. Transparent real estate explains why real estate leads other verticals in social media participation, then follows up with a slideshow on ten industries and ten occupational social networks that could support scalable social networks.

6. Things are heating up north of the border, with MLS.ca being challenged for search supremacy by upstart ZooCasa.com. Comparisons of the two services at FutureofRealEstateMarketing.com.

One nice feature on ZooCasa: a “commute cost calculator” to estimate the average fuel bill for your commute between your new home and your job.

7. Trulia launched a blogging platform as a complement to their Trulia voices service. Here’s their explanation as to why we really need another one. Some of the reasons:

  • only 4% of Realtors have blogs
  • built-in base of prospective buyers/sellers
  • it’s local

And finally, here are some bonus articles turned up by my favorite plugin, Zemanta.