
R.S. Quality Product Catalog

We consider ourselves a digital company, but always love the chance to create something tangible for clients. R.S. Quality, a color coded cleaning tool supplier (yes, this industry exists) needed their catalog updated as it had been a few years. We had already been doing a lot of paid media and PR work for them so when they mentioned the need to update their catalog, we were excited to take on the challenge.

The catalog ended up being 49 pages, which showcases their entire product offering. It starts with their Manifesto, which our in-house copy pro, Erin, crafted for them. We felt that this would really set the tone for the pages that followed. Tyler, Art Director & self proclaimed Bench Seater, took it from there. Using a combination of the old catalog as well as a massive spreadsheet of edits, he laid out all 49 pages, 12 sections, 100’s of products and so much more than I don’t even know about.

The result? The most badass color coded product catalog you’ve ever seen (even if it’s the only one you’ve ever seen!)