Phase 3 Done, Son. Phase 4 – It’s the Final Countdown
Even as we whittle down the beard, there are still some very creative designs for me to choose from. I would have liked to go with the Reverse Cat Tail and Mr. 3.14159265… had a nice Pi design. But at the end of the day, I had to go with a bit of the old handlebar action.
Although I detect some secret inside intelligence from “I win! I win!”… he/she, along with “mims” came thru with the handlebar design with these lovely crops:
I win! I win!
mims – Easy on the razor cuts please
I was hoping for something like this guy:
Alas, instead of making it with the Prom Queen like this guy most likely did, it looks like I’ll be relegated to being a used car salesman with MY mustache (like JCs S2000).
So, since we’re so close to the end, please proceed to Phase 4 and I’ll likely pick a few final designs, trying them out every couple days, AND before presenting the Grande Finale!
Check back often, as the Shave-O-Matic will have something special in store at the end of all this.