
Meet Sydney

We’ve kept our secret weapon hidden for long enough. Since wowing (scaring?) us with her Green Ion intern submission 6 months ago, Sydney has moved from working on a couple small projects to leading client-facing projects on a part time basis.

She’s quickly learned the basic foundations of a digital marketing expert: paid search, search engine optimization, and conversion rate optimization (and she’s got the certificates to prove it).

But what really impressed us was her writing ability. So much so that she’s started contributing to some content marketing initiatives we’ve been piloting with several clients.

Some highlights:

We’re pumped to have her on board and look forward to even more greatness in the next 6 months. Make sure to check out her Charleston food blog or follow her on Twitter.

But enough of the boring work stuff. Here’s a rundown of some of our favorite Sydney moments to date.

  • Her consistently great Twitter hashtags
  • She was one of two people that looked up and smiled when we played a track from the Harry Potter soundtrack over the office speakers just to see who was dork enough to know what it was.
  • She never had a full-size trampoline as a child. The one small exercise trampoline they did have was sold by her mother in a surprise garage sale. Harbors resentment to this day.
  • Her brother’s name is Cullen. Like the vampire guy.
  • She makes delicious, healthy lunches. But she caved a little too easy when we invited her to 5 Guys.
  • She’s a reddit addict. She almost punched me in the face when I asked if she knew what it was.
  • She creepily photoshopped her picture onto our website in her intern video submission.

There are many more, but my fingers hurt. Until next time… welcome to the team, Sydney.