
Medical Society of South Carolina

We’re proud to announce the launch of a new online presence for the Medical Society of South Carolina. The function of the Medical Society is to leverage the physicians of Roper Saint Francis Healthcare and advance the overall health and well-being of our community.

This is a group with a 250-year legacy that begins with a charter in 1789. In the ensuing years, they were instrumental in founding the Medical College of South Carolina, which became today’s MUSC. They’ve been on the leading edge by establishing South Carolina’s first full-time licensed nursing program and in 1956 opening the first full-time vascular lab in the US.

As members, doctors get a seat at the decision-making table and the voice, influence, and power to help direct healthcare resources to where they’re needed most.

We’re grateful for the opportunity to bring a public face to the Medical Society and help them to articulate their mission. Click around, and if you’re a doctor in the RSFH system, definitely grab an application and become a part of it all.
