Force Protection Relaunch
Launched a new site for Force Protection this week. For those not familiar, Force Protection is a Ladson, SC based company that specializes in technology and vehicles that keep soldiers and Marines safe on the battlefield – namely, the tough fronts of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their trucks have an amazing ability to keep their occupants safe from roadside bombs and able to make it back home to continue their lives after the conflict is over.
The original site debuted in October 2004, and since then many things have changed, not the least of which is a rebranding and new identity and a print campaign to-match. We also wanted to spread our wings a bit and increase the overall footprint of the site, as well as bake in some video sharing elements and a place for user testimonials.
Big plans for the future to complement the interactivity showcased in the 360º vehicle models.
Go check it out at www.forceprotection.net