
Designs That Will Drive You To Drink

We’ve all done it. You’re browsing the beer & wine aisle not knowing exactly what you want until you see a label that catches your eye and you must buy it. Purchasing a beer or wine because of a cool label is something I’ve certainly done in the past. I thought I would share with you guys a few beers, wines, and liquors that I’ve bought impulsively because of a well executed design. It proves that the more thought and attention to the little details like a label design can help push your products off the shelves.

Evil Twin Brewing – Many won’t agree with me on this one but the super simplistic geometric shapes and color palettes makes me want to buy and try any Evil Twin Brewing beer. Check out the Bikini beer, I love that can!

Stone Brewing: I love Stone Double Bastard, so when they released the Crime, Punishment, and Southern Charred I was super happy to try them. Not to mention, like many of the Stone bottles, the screen printed bottles are absolutely gorgeous. Too bad the Crime and Punishment beers are undrinkable (brewed with hot peppers). The Southern Charred was amazing but at $20 bucks a bottle, it’s a one time experience for me. Check out how cool these bottles are though!

Westbrook Brewing: Something about these labels get me every time. I think it’s the color palette again that I just love. Not to mention the amazing illustrations.


Miller Lite – Lite Limited Edition Can – Laugh all you want, but the beauty of that original Lite can makes Miller Lite colder and tastier. I really wish they would go back to these all white Lite cans full time. Nobody wants to drink from that space ship design they’ve been rocking.

The Show – Three words: Hatch Show Print (Side note: GREAT wine!)

Dreaming Tree Wine – Dave Matthews vineyard, Dave Matthews Illustrations. (And again, a GREAT wine!)

Dearly Beloved Wine: So this one got me good. I was walking around Trader Joe’s, so this screen printed bottled and had to buy it. I wouldn’t say it was my favorite wine but I displayed this wine on top of my wine cabinet for a few weeks before opening it.

10 Cane Rum – By far hands down my most favorite design out of any liquor bottle. The simple little orange label catches my eye every time and I tend to reach for this first. Not to mention the campy video series they did a few years ago were amazing. Check one of them out here!

The Kraken – This is another one that got me as soon as I saw it. The black and white illustrated label is just amazing, not to mention the bottle design makes you want to carry it around on your shoulder like a pirate.

Jack Rudy Cocktail – Not really a liquor, but this was a bottle that would always catch my eye at Caviar and Bananas. It honestly makes the best Gin and Tonic and the simplistic label looks good on any bar top.