New Charleston CVB Visitors Website
We have a long history with the Charleston Area CVB. Back in 2001, we came together and crafted the brand position that continues to drive the marketing efforts today. Along the way we’ve introduced versions of the official travel website and microsites for various audiences. About 5 years had passed since the last major overall of their flagship Visitors website, and a major overhaul was in order. While the entire process could make for an entertaining novel, we’ll keep it short. Here’s a brief look at the solution and highlights.
New Website Features:
- Responsive code to accommodate mobile and tablet users
- A refreshed design, focused on all of the incredible Charleston photography at the CVB’s disposal
- “Why Charleston” guides to help visitors get an overview of our 6 core visitation differentiators (Cuisine, History, Family-friendly, Outdoors, Arts & Culture, and Shopping)
- Hotel date / rate search feature
- Integration of SimpleView data to allow CVB members to edit their own listings via extranet (and save the CVB time/work)
- Update to ad formats, including native ads, and media sales plan
- Favorites trip planning tool
- Refactored UI elements for simpler mobile navigation of large lists of businesses and easier on-the-go trip planning
See the entire website here! Some sample screenshots are available below.
While the website launch was a big milestone for the BI team, and the CVB, we aren’t done. Both teams are committed to an iterative design approach, with frequent updates to improve the experience for both users and CVB travel council members. Cheers to Charleston!