
Best of Charleston 2012

Today is the day that the annual “Best Of Charleston” issue of the Charleston City Paper hits newsstands. I voted for many of the categories (mainly the ones involving food), and I’m happy to see that many of my picks were also voted by other Charlestonians as the city’s best. I’m a fan of this year’s Unicorn theme…it brings me back to the Lisa Frank days of my youth.

Oh, elementary school, how I miss thee.

Although I quite enjoy perusing the Readers’ Picks section of each of the major feature pages, I have to say that my favorite results are the Critics’ Picks. Not only are they informative, they’re often quite humorous. Here are some examples:

I mean, what about this DOESN’T look awesome?!

My favorite section is, obviously, the Eating and Drinking Out section. I mean, I spend my free time blogging about Charleston restaurants, so obviously this section has my name written all over it. I was happy to see that my local obsession, Chef Sean Brock, won the award for Best Chef (did you catch him on Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern the other night? Now *that* is quality television).

I was also really happy to see that they added the “Best Food Truck” category this year (and congrats to Roti Rolls for winning), since Food Trucks are becoming so prevalent in Charleston’s culinary culture.

My goal for the rest of this year is to try out all of the restaurants on this list that I have not already visited. So that’s (surprisingly) about 80% of the listings on the page…. Looks like I’ve got a busy year ahead of me.